In this editorial we share some tips on how to master the art of colourful style confidence.

You only need to spend 5 minutes on one of society’s many popular social media platforms as a fashion enthusiast, before stumbling across some of today’s sartorial elites. Individuals like, Luca Rubinacci (@luca_rubinacci) or brands such as Drake’s (@drakesdiary). But whats one thing they have in common… colours. Vibrant, imposing colours from ties, shirts, jackets to (and the purpose of this editorial) shoes.

A great use of colour has the propensity to inject individual character to one’s style, a stark contrast to the otherwise conventional tones we see on a day-to-day. However, it can be a challenging and intimidating task trying to find the right expression of colour that is a true reflection of your current mood. There are also risks associated to playing with bold colours, clashes, too many colours, and general public eye sores. But there are also endless opportunities that can have you strike the perfect balance, helping you find your sartorial confidence. Here are a list of our tips:

Ease yourself in gently. Waking up one day and heading out to meet friends dressed like a bag of skittles will only make the adjustment for yourself and those around you harder. Easing into it with a few splashes of colour through accessories to match your shoes; belts, glasses and bracelets are a great foundation to start with.

Splash some colour with denim. Denim serves as a great starting point to experiment with colours (especially darker shades of denim) as its pretty impossible to pair a colour that wont match (see images above for two great examples). By working with a consistent and adaptable foundation, your colour exploration can develop progressively.

Stick to one tone. When exploring colours, sticking to one tone of vibrancy can save you from great embarrassment. There is nothing worse than having multiple colours that theoretically should work, but don’t because the levels or vibrancy are inconsistent. So remember consistency is key.

Neutral tones are your best friends. Arguably the most important rule, and if anything the one tip to take away from this. The best way to flaunt your Negroni red Bridge-bit loafers is to pair them with subdued colours/neutral tones that will shy away from the attention the bold colour is attracting. You can also use the neutral tone as a break between another complimentary colour as not to seem OTT.

Published September 13th 2022


